
6 common causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are masses tissue surrounding the anal canal. Most people think hemorrhoids are a problem that is not normal, but it is present in everyone. Only when the swollen tissue mass to be considered abnormal or a disease. The disease was found with the same rate in males and females, and age affect mainly from 45 to 65.
nguyên nhân gây bệnh trĩ
Hemorrhoids can swell inside the anal canal and causes internal hemorrhoids or outside vent causing external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can cause symptoms such as pain and tingling while external hemorrhoids are not painful but cause rectal bleeding.
The cause of hemorrhoids is what?
1. A diet poor in fiber
Insufficient dietary fiber may cause the bowel becomes difficult, thereby creating pressure on the rectal mucosa and cause inflammation. Foods rich in fiber makes defecation easier.
2. Constipation and diarrhea
Constipation and diarrhea can also cause stress leads to increased pressure on the rectal tissue. Again, one of the factors leading to constipation diet is not healthy. Good eating habits are not frequently used fast food and poor dietary fiber can cause constipation and may cause tissue inflammation can cause pain and bleeding.
3. Pregnancy
In the last months of pregnancy, a woman may be hemorrhoids. This is due to increased pressure in the pelvis. Also in childbirth, stress to push the baby out can also cause hemorrhoids.
4. Unhealthy Lifestyle
Most people in modern society are very busy with work and other obligations that they do not take care of their health. Using too much fast food, processed food, overweight, obesity, lack of exercise and lack of physical activity can lead to the slow, hindering the removal of toxic substances can lead to a number of diseases including hemorrhoids.
5. Old Age
Another cause of this disease is due to age. Over time, the tissue support along the tube anal hemorrhoids impaired, hemorrhoids lost its anchor slipped and anal canal. It is also one of the reasons why older people often constipated.
6. Rev amniotic pelvic tumor
The pelvic tumors can also cause hemorrhoids because of pressure on the veins of the anal canal drag upwards.


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