
MEDICINES most effective treatment

Hemorrhoids. Drugs and treatment internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids fastest efficiency, prevent hemorrhoids treatment.

Research project on drugs effective hemorrhoids treatment is painless for the patient. Diagnostic level to make hemorrhoids treatment of hemorrhoids fast and safe.

 In recent years the scheme Research and Application medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids received many letters from patients from all over the country sent inquire about hemorrhoids: causes hemorrhoids? Symptoms of hemorrhoids? Where possible cure hemorrhoids? Any medicine that the most effective hemorrhoids? ... And so much more content. To provide information and answer your questions we would like to introduce articles of the Master, Dr. Nguyen Phuc Long - Vice President Scheme Research and application of herbal treatment for hemorrhoids your reference.

The treatment of hemorrhoids in the current period

According to the health sector, up to 60% of Vietnam's population suffering from hemorrhoids, one of the highest incidence in the world. So what is the reason that people suffering from hemorrhoids Vietnam so much? The cure hemorrhoids are now what the pros and cons?

1. Causes and risk factors cause hemorrhoids
- Constipation: The effort to push out stool to be able to put pressure on the veins were dilated and lead to hemorrhoids.

- Not good eating habits such as eating less fiber and vegetables, spicy (pepper, chili), drink a lot of alcohol.

- Genetics: Family, family has many hemorrhoids.

- Pregnancy, childbirth too strong pressure from the fetus can aggravate hemorrhoids.

2. The degree of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids have 3 level:

- Lightweight: Going beyond the pain associated bleeding, hemorrhoids are not sa bun.

- Medium: Going beyond pain, and bleeding associated with hemorrhoids but self-contained sa bun up.

- Weight: Bui prolapsed frequently need to use your hands to push on. Patients feel uncomfortable when sitting, even bleeding.

3. The method of treating hemorrhoids today, advantages and disadvantages of each method

3.1. Medical treatment:
- Cleaning in place well in warm water immersion 2-3 times / day for 15 minutes.

- Oral: including drug agent vein support, derived flavonoids. The mechanism of action of these drugs is increased venous tone, protecting microcirculation, reduce edema by local anti-inflammatory effect, anti-infective and anti-embolism.

- Drugs in place: include ointments (pommade) and ammunition (suppositoire) include anti-inflammatory agents, emotionless spot and derivatives vein support.

Advantages of medical treatments: Fast Acting as reduced symptoms, treatments are easy to find on the market

Cons: only medical therapy can treat symptoms or treatment episodes such as bleeding, burning, sa ... which is hard to cure it.

3.2. Treatment with tips:

a fiber-Shots: Insert the fiber is specified in the first hemorrhoids and piles of 2

A method of treating hemorrhoids easy to implement, simple, fast and safe. However, the procedure is experienced physician with strong new techniques for better results and avoid complications. The main purpose of injecting fiber is reduced blood flow to the hemorrhoids tufts, creating scar tissue sticks to the muscle layer under the submucosa help reduce the symptoms of bleeding.

Injecting the fiber is specified in the first and hemorrhoids hemorrhoids grade 2,

In fiber injection technique should note a few things:

- Use the right needle: Kim long, barbed block near the top of the needle to avoid deep penetration, if the needle is very good angulation, special syringe. Injections fibers used today are oil phenol and polidocanol.

Injection position is at the root tufts hemorrhoids, located on the bottom bun comb and hemorrhoids. The volume of 3-5 ml spray, pump slowly injected during the injection site if bleaching is injected into the epidermis, stop the injection immediately because they cause necrotic ulcer complications after injection. Location injection usually in 4 hours, 7 Hours and 11gio.

Stock variable:

* Bleeding the injection site, if detected in time with pressure injection gauze, if not reduced by using tools ligation hemorrhoids rubber band ligation of bleeding area.

* Injecting into the prostate: in the case of injecting too deep at the position 11gio-1h may encounter complications urination, inflammation of the epididymis and testis, prostate inflammation, vaginal anal leakage ...

b-hemorrhoids with rubber ring Belts: Belts hemorrhoids with rubber ring is indicated for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids 1 and 2

Hemorrhoids with rubber band ligation is indicated for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids 1 and 2, some authors have applied for both internal hemorrhoids grade 3 but limited results.

Hemorrhoids with rubber band ligation was performed in the 19th century, but because hemorrhoids tufts column with the skin around the anus so after ligation very painful, so do not be widely used. By 1958 Blaisdell had success with the only column without a bun hemorrhoids and skin and surrounding tissues. 1963 Barron has created tools to tighten hemorrhoids with rubber ring and then with improved instruments of Mc Giveny gave treatment of hemorrhoids with rubber band ligation of hemorrhoids treatment a success and is the first choice in the treatment of tricks.

The main principle of the rubber loop is reduced blood flow to the hemorrhoids tufts, creating scar tissue sticks to the muscle layer under the submucosa, which will be fixed by the anal canal right with conservation principles anal cushions.

c-infrared Cantonese: Cantonese infrared specified with internal hemorrhoids level 1 and level 2

The method uses heat treatment of hemorrhoids has been done for hundreds of years. The goal of the method is to make tissue freezing frozen by the effects of heat, creating scar reduces blood flow to the hemorrhoids and fixed bundle of hemorrhoids in the anal canal. With laser, high-frequency currents also affect clotting such as infrared, but the accuracy of the depth of penetration of the coagulation effects of two methods are not accurate infrared photocoagulation with the machine. The tissue penetration of infrared rays are predetermined by adjusting the speed of the jet and accurate convergence in this tissue. Machine infrared photocoagulation is not interfering in favor of electronic instruments mounted on the patient such as cardiac pacemakers.

Infrared photocoagulation is indicated for internal hemorrhoids level 1 and level 2. This method has the advantage of hemorrhoids are painless, safe, effective hemostasis but the downside is that the machine is quite expensive and often do tricks many times.

3.3 Surgical removal of hemorrhoids: frozen mucosal resection, resection of each bun hemorrhoids, PT Longo, pheasants hanging by hand stitch, stitch column hemorrhoids arteries under the guidance of ultrasound Doppler ...

3.3.1 Surgical Group 1 consists of two surgical groups

a-folded mucosal resection:

Whitehead Surgery: Principles is slice mucosa and submucosa with tufts veins hemorrhoids, then pull down on the stage of the mucosa from the anal skin. This method is now hardly used due to the more serious complications such as anal stenosis, loss of self-control bowel and rectal fluid leak. But because of the nature of radical surgery, many authors have used the principle of hemorrhoids surgery, but revised in order to reduce complications, such as surgery Toupet.

b-Surgical each bun hemorrhoids:

The principle of this surgery is to cut a separate each bun hemorrhoids, leaving in the middle of the piece tufts hemorrhoids mucocutaneous (for mucocutaneous). Surgical Group include PT Milligan Morgan (1937), PT Ferguson (1959), PT Parks (1965), Germany PT BV Vietnam (Nguyen Dinh Hoi, 1966).

Surgical team consists of two main groups:
- Cut open hemorrhoids: Milligan Morgan PT, PT Nguyen Dinh Hoi
- Cut hemorrhoids closed: PT Ferguson.

Group of surgery to avoid complications with the surgery group mucosa slice the skin, but the downside is still sore after surgery, length of hospital stay long, labor time back late and ineffective in the case hemorrhoids round.

3.3.2 Surgical Group 2:

Starting from the disadvantages of surgery under the column heading Morgagni and the new findings about the pathogenesis, since the 90s, based on the principle of conservation of mass anal cushions, reducing blood flow to the hemorrhoids and miniature bun can block area of hemorrhoids, some new surgery was founded with the principle of hanging anal PT Longo, sewn by hand and hung pheasant principle shrink hemorrhoids cubic volume as PT stitched hemorrhoids arteries column under the guidance of ultrasound Doppler .

a-Surgery Longo (1993): A surgical suture using a folded round to cut the lining on the strategic road within 2-3 cm and sewing machine press. The principle of operation is cut and sewn folded mucosa, thus reducing blood flow to the venous plexus hemorrhoids to shrink the volume of hemorrhoids and anal cushions hanging in the anal canal. This method is preferred because there is no pain, shorter hospital stays, patients pay for labor early, this drawback is the high cost, have not been fully evaluated for efficiency due to short follow-up period.

b-stitch by hand hanging hemorrhoids:

This is a modified method of surgical Longo in developing countries due to the high cost of PT Longo. PT was Ahmed Hussein M, Nguyen Manh Nham, Nguyen Trung Vinh, Nguyen Trung Tin report at the conference. This method is based on the principle of Longo's surgery reduces blood flow to the hemorrhoids to shrink bun volumetric mass hanging tufts hemorrhoids hemorrhoids and anal canal up by hand sewing stitches drapery lining of strategic road 2 cm -3. This method has only been reported after 2001.

c-stitch column hemorrhoids arteries under the guidance of ultrasound Doppler

This method was implemented for the first time Kazumasa Morinaga 1995, with an instrument called Moricorn, is a machine consisting of a Doppler ultrasound probe attached in an anal probe, through this instrument detects 6 authors artery, the artery branches of the rectum to take over, and the branches of this artery is sewn column in strategic locations along 2cm.

The principle of this method is to reduce the blood flow to the bundle of hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids only applies to the 2 and 3, the advantage of this method is painless and preserve the anal cushions.

All three methods do not address the case of internal hemorrhoids embolism and cases with large excess skin samples.

Indications for treatment:

-Tri May be ill, can be a symptom of another disease. Only when the hemorrhoids surgery patients. A mistake often suffer from hemorrhoids is cut for a patient with rectal cancer. There may be a symptom of hemorrhoids rectal cancer, possibly colorectal cancer appeared in a patient with hemorrhoids long. So before surgery to confirm no other entity lesions in anorectal region.

-Tri Can be treated with medical or physical methods. Therefore, surgery should only be considered as a last resort if the above method does not work, because surgical intervention in anatomy and physiology normal and may be accompanied by severe sequelae difficult to repair.

Specifies that the operation applies to internal hemorrhoids grade 3, grade 4, thrombosed hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids within sa serious bleeding.

+ Internal hemorrhoids:
- Level 1: injecting fibers or condensation.
- Level 2: thermal coagulation, rubber band ligation of hemorrhoids or cut.
- Do3: ligation of hemorrhoids with rubber bands or cut.
- Level 4: cut hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoids sa congestion: medicine and medical treatment of hemorrhoids warm water soak until the end tufts hemorrhoids edema, local stability, then cut hemorrhoids surgery.

+ External Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids exchange are not given treatment and surgical procedures unless complications of infection, ulceration or occlusion of blood clots forming in the bun hemorrhoids. Surgical treatment of embolism in the emergency is taking clot incision. Immediately after surgery the patient feel comfortable and free of pain immediately.

These are the treatments were applied in the past and the present. Each method has different advantages and disadvantages. The application of the method depends on the extent of disease and the degree of Doctor diagnostics. Usually when detecting expression of hemorrhoids people often have the following actions:


As to the public hospital patients feel more comfortable because of the trust factor in Dr. state remains a top priority. Currently the majority of hospitals method Longo cut, burned by the laser. These methods take effect immediately but does not solve the root cause of the disease from the inside lead to the recurrence of hemorrhoids.

II. Hemorrhoids TREATMENT IN THE PRIVATE polyclinics
After treatment at the hospital from older patient anxiety panic not knowing where to put their faith in another. Meanwhile the private clinic that advertising is rampant in the mass media with the commitment as a cure times are from, no relapse, recurrence refund, warranty 5 years ... Although you may not believe, but also no other way for hemorrhoids still tormented day and night patients with psychological treatment alone see any stars.

Pros: Fire in the private polyclinic: enthusiastic service attitude, the exchange between doctors and patients often take place continuously.

Cons: because the method is still popular cut is so high recurrence rates. High cost of treatment can range from 5 to 20 million. With the clinic does not guarantee equipment, qualified doctors very limited leading to infection with oral drugs can cause side effects, especially liver and kidney damage.


After a series of treatments is advertised as high-tech but still not from hemorrhoids, rapid relapse of patients not treated with saline but with more machines that move to functional foods advertised abound in the media is a safe and highly effective

Pros: affordable easy to use, the product is used for drinking capsules daily.

Cons: The condition almost no relief or no significant reduction, high cost of treatment, treatment time lasts from 3 to 9 months.

Thus it can be said to think there are few words of the disease the patient has undergone treatment tell anyone what to do that lead to the condition was not from the increasingly more complex.

In this topic the writer would like to introduce all of hemorrhoids cure by herbal formula based on esoteric of ethnic Hmong northwestern highlands (due to cultural characteristics should drink incidence of hemorrhoids region high). Remedies are experts in traditional medicine appreciated by the effectiveness of treatment and post-treatment. Name of medicine: Medicinal esoteric features of hemorrhoids treatment of Hmong Northwest.

As agreed, the tufts hemorrhoids are formed due to blood stasis. That is, according to arterial blood from the heart to go to animal tissues and continue anal veins back to the heart. But because of blood stasis of blood in the veins of the anus under accrual will not go away gradually as tension veins bulging and thinning (when going to the toilet sometimes classified into static friction causes the vein to break out object bloody), and until forming tufts hemorrhoids prolapse. If only tufts hemorrhoids surgery is only solves part neat and sooner or later, some time after the recurrence of hemorrhoids will. In contrast, esoteric specialty medicine hemorrhoid treatment Hmong Northwest solved the problem and treat the cause of disease. All current medications are delivered to the Center for Research and Application of Drug Hanoi ethnic studies, finishing and preparation.

Remedy hemorrhoids treatment esoteric features of H'Mong Northwest

Last cure hemorrhoids Hmong

1. Oral

Ingredients: Turmeric, three losses, tourist sites, current regulations, Black Cohosh, lean lake and some herbs in the mountains northwest.

Usage: Stop the bleeding, pain, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, detoxifying, antiseptic, blood work, school function, blood thing, the passages. Helps protect and increase the strength of the vein, increasing venous health and digestive tract; Information laxative bowel, prevent constipation.

Treatment and help prevent hemorrhoids, improve the symptoms of hemorrhoids (bleeding, hemorrhoids sa bun, burning, itching ...) and the complications of hemorrhoids (rectal prolapse, anal fissure inflammation ...); anti-inflammatory, antibacterial strong; treatment and prevention of constipation.

Particularly good remedy for postpartum women, people with intestinal diseases, stomach pain, bowel.

The use of each component:

Art: Art has a bitter taste, calculated average, work out gas, blood work, blood melt, dissolve stasis and relieve pain. UAT needle (the root of the turmeric) spicy sweet, cool, cooling blood, tranquilizers, dissolve blood stasis, relieve pain. Technology also has antiseptic effects, inhibits many species of pathogenic bacteria and fungi which tubercle bacilli, the dysentery bacillus, pneumococcus, typhoid bacillus, bacillus coli, candida albicans.

In addition, the technology also prevents the growth of cancer cells, and effects such as skin lightening beauty, healing ...

Tam Furniture: Three interior is sweet, slightly bitter, mild features, in Business, Can, The, Heart, Waste, colon. Effects of stasis, hemostasis (fighting drew blood, hemorrhage, bleeding, postpartum blood no foul out before, bloody dysentery), emphysema consumption, pain, additional blood, chest pain, tumors, blood stasis, closing business, economic system, the post-blood damage caused abdominal pain, ulcers, swelling due to injury, severe anemia, fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, sleep less. Experience folk ventricle can cure some cancers (breast cancer, leukemia ...).

Place du: Used both in Eastern and Western medicine. Western medicine used to stop bleeding, help digestion, washed the sores. Medicine used to stop bleeding in the following cases: hematemesis, epistaxis, consumption of blood, bloody dysentery, menorrhagia due to blood heat, bleeding hemorrhoids, burns from hot ...

Of regulation: Effects added blood, blood work, profit apple, school work, what blood, the passages. In addition, effective treatment that menstruation, abdominal pain to find business, the lack of blood, pain and cold hands and feet.

Black Cohosh: Effects ups gas (do blood circulation) relieves sa Christmas (hemorrhoids sa, sa stomach, uterus, rectum ...), hot and cold headache, sore throat, sore mouth, left town long days, measles does not grow out, hypothermia, analgesia, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, detoxify.

Sai lake: bitter, cool; The effective heat dissipation expression, as your profit liver, pain, gas and cut ups celebrate positive malaria fever. For the case of fever, malaria, flu (heat welding current), abdominal pain in the chest, irregular menstruation, gas central lowering (the type of hernia, sa stomach, intestines, uterus, stomach window ), chronic hepatitis, malaria attack.

2. Infusions

Ingredients: Hoe flowers, Hoang Lien, Dandelion, Fishing refined draft, behind Huang, Zhang, suffering cucumbers, rhubarb, Sa clinical death, Dao's ...

Uses: Infusions work excretion residues, promoting promoted gas (blood circulation) to improve blood circulation is not stasis in the anus, improve blood circulation to nourish put tissues, muscles static help venous vessels stronger and increases the elasticity of the arteries, which gradually shrink hemorrhoids tufts, while clearing the inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic.
Treatment of internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, anal itching, anal cleft cracked, anal fistula, abscess of the anus.

Advantages of medicine (drug soaked + Oral):

Treatment of hemorrhoids radical (radical cure), long-term effects.

Treat all forms of hemorrhoids (internal, external, mix, loop hemorrhoids, anal fistula).

short duration of treatment depends on the patient's medical condition

Low Cost

Patients with no pain

Do not cause structural damage to the anus

Patients are not damaged

Safety for patients, no infection, complications (such as surgery) and does not cause side effects.

The ingredients are natural herbs have properties very good for the body cool.

all drug is formulated as a powder, not very convenient to excellent use.

Above is the basic assessment of the writer as a senior research on the status of hemorrhoids in Vietnam. The disease is treated as force majeure. To avoid getting sick from having to bother running costly treatment we should implement the following methods:

Note anal hygiene.

diet high in fiber, fruits and vegetables. Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol, and spicy, hot peppers, pepper ... If constipation should be treated immediately by eating more vegetables, sweet potatoes, bananas ... are food helps repel constipation.

Drink plenty of water.

habit of going outside regular hours daily at a certain.

Tap anal pounding 30-50 times every morning waking up and before going to bed.

Do not sit long periods of time, so gentle movement.

Exercise: should exercise and play sports such as swimming lightly, walk ...

Treatment of chronic diseases is as bronchitis, bronchiectasis, dysentery ...

  Drinking plenty of water helps to soft and easy bowel. Eat more vegetables, fruits help soft stools, stools thereby increase patient and indirectly push down to avoid hemorrhoids. Patients should mobilize gently to avoid increased pressure in the veins especially after sitting or standing for long periods. It can also help prevent constipation and reduce weight if obese patients. Avoid standing or sitting for long periods.


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