
7 causes internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids sa

Hemorrhoids is a disease that causes a lot of discomfort and annoyance, but usually does not cause serious impact to life. When the varicose veins and inflammation of the blood vessels in and around the rectum happens to be treated as hemorrhoids.
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Hemorrhoids can affect both men and women usually occurs between the ages of 45 to 65. There are many causes of hemorrhoids and one of the most common reasons is due to the weakening of the direct colon, which may be due to factors such as:
1. Constipation and diarrhea.
2. Hardware, often distended anus, bowel or fasting for too long
3. Sitting or standing in one position for long periods.
4. Pregnancy and childbirth.
5. A poor diet, not enough fiber and not drinking enough water each day.
6. Too much lactic acid. Lactic acid causes more pressure on your sphincter contraction and when they opened during defecation.
7. Overweight and will cause unnecessary pressure on the rectal veins.
There are two types of hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids are essentially external hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids occur outside the rectal area recognizable than internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids often cause the most pain and irritation sometimes have trouble going to the toilet, as well as exposure to panties and other external impacts. External hemorrhoids often swell and can become very itchy, this is a very common symptoms of external hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the anus. This type of hemorrhoids often cause less pain. Normally a person would not even know that they are internal hemorrhoids because no feeling really uncomfortable.
However, if the bundle of internal hemorrhoids rupture may lead to more serious problems, such as sa hemorrhoids. Sa tufts hemorrhoids happen when the internal hemorrhoids swell and eventually protrude from the anus. Co-ring down and prevent hemorrhoids tufts back inside. If the blood supply is reduced, the tufts prolapsed hemorrhoids can be clamped into a bun, leaving patients with painful and extremely uncomfortable.


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