
Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids

Nowadays, sedentary life with low-fiber diet that many people have the chance of getting hemorrhoids are very high. Recognize the symptoms of hemorrhoids and treatments to protect your health.
Hemorrhoids is a disease that is formed by excessive stretching of one or more veins of hemorrhoids hemorrhoids vein system above and below the anus. There are two types of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.
There are two main symptoms should seek medical care the patient is bleeding and hemorrhoids sa bun:
Symptoms Bleeding is the most common early. This is one of the reasons patients visit. At first very discreet bleeding, the patient accidentally discovered when looking at the toilet tissue after a bowel movement or look at the division saw a few small blood trail stick solid bar stool. The next time you go for each strain due to constipation, then a drop of blood or a beam. More late every bowel movement, each time going back many, each squat blood flowing.
Sa tufts hemorrhoids usually occur later after a period bowel bleeding, beginning after the small bowel protruding blocks found in the anus, then the block itself is indented. More later protruding block that out loud slowly and not self-lagged after a bowel movement, but instead manually inserted. Finally there sa regular blocks outside the anus.
In addition to two major symptoms, the patient may be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain during bowel movements, itching around the anus wet services. Usually painless hemorrhoids, pain occurs when complications such as embolism, sa hemorrhoids stuffy or from other diseases in the anal area as anal fissure, anal abscess edge ... itching symptoms occur due bun prolapsed out and secretion of inflammatory skin around the anus to make patients feel anal always wet and itching sensation.
The disease appears unclear, may exhibit one or more symptoms. Symptoms, signs sometimes silently, not appearing regularly. Patients and physicians often do not claim to be the start of the disease.
The cause of hemorrhoids as follows:
Hemorrhoids can be caused by pressure on the lower rectal veins. Common sources of stress include prolonged constipation; long sitting posture, stand much heavy lifting; pregnancy and childbirth, obesity, anorectal tumors; diarrhea, dysentery syndrome, chronic colitis ...
It hemorrhoids can be treated surgically:
- Fiber injection procedure, hemorrhoids with rubber band ligation, infrared photocoagulation.
- Surgical removal of hemorrhoids each bun, cut round hemorrhoids, prolapsed by cutting stapler (surgery Longo, PPH ...).
The above method is specified for internal hemorrhoids at 4, the end of grade 3 complications and external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids within sa. So far, we have not found a method of optimal surgery. Dr. CKII, General Secretary of anorectal Vietnam, Hoang Dinh Lan, hemorrhoids surgery recurrence rate is very high, while the injection procedure fiber tufts shrink hemorrhoids are only temporary solutions, not genre quit tufts hemorrhoids. The experts also stressed that the current surgical treatment can not take root of the disease, but it is important to treat the cause.
In addition, this disease can be treated medically:
The method combines Western medicine to use drugs such as analgesics, anti-inflammatory, intravenous drug assistance, suppositories, topical medications, laxatives ... (more and more drug side effects).
Eastern medicine methods include the experience very rich folk, found the medicine, remedy hemorrhoids treatment effectiveness. Prescription medicine or medicine ancient method has the advantage of treating the causes of radicalism so high, fewer relapses, no complications, pain, treatment costs less than other methods.
In traditional medicine, there are many herbs you have hemorrhoids treatment effects, such as feeling Hoe, stylish rooms, superb bird, of rules, field, just right, tourist sites, pirate key box ...
To hemorrhoids quickly and prevent recurrence from the patient to eat more fiber, vegetables cool, cool fruit, drink more water (preferably warm water to drink - positive); abstain completely spicy, hot, stimulants. In addition, patients should exercise diligence, and playing sports such as swimming lightly, walk ... Regularly rub belly clockwise direction; treatment of chronic diseases is as bronchitis, bronchiectasis ...


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