
Its hallmark hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease of the anorectal region, popular and common in all ages. More than 50% of patients aged 30 and older. Because of shame, so many people have to visit, if only to appear complications painful, uncomfortable for the new life to the hospital. Therefore, treatment time lasts.
Herbal treatment for hemorrhoids.
Today, we understand the nature of hemorrhoids by the study of the distribution of blood vessels of anorectal region. Anal canal is where many blood vessels forming the bun hemorrhoids lie beneath the lining. The tufts are functions of a mattress, the role of the anus closed. It is understandable, hemorrhoids are varicose state of excessive anal area.
Two types of hemorrhoids are external and internal hemorrhoids. When the internal and external hemorrhoids tufts together called mixed hemorrhoids. In case of mixed hemorrhoids or internal hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids long day with drag mucosal prolapse and hemorrhoids appear side bun forming circle hemorrhoids called hemorrhoids within
Currently not determine the exact cause, but there are a few factors to be considered as sources for hemorrhoids such as working posture standing too long, gut motility disorders (constipation, diarrhea, a solid) , familial diseases, in collaboration with the disease as increased venous pressure hemorrhoids, sexually transmitted diseases, urinary, or hormonal changes reproductive cycle of women as pregnancy, childbirth or before menstruation
Symptoms of hemorrhoids:
- Bleeding: at first, the bleeding is very discreet, incidentally, patients discovered when looking at the toilet paper after a bowel movement or show some small blood trail stick to solid bar stool. Later, when going to the toilet, many patients have to push so constipated, or drops of blood into the beam. Later again, every bowel movement, walking more or squatting, the blood flowing again. Sometimes the bleeding so much that patients admitted to emergency departments. Blood from flowing out tufts hemorrhoids clot inside the rectum can cause blood clots bowel movements.
- Sa hemorrhoids: this is also a common symptom. Depending on the degree of prolapsed, but patients with different clinical manifestations. If prolapsed 1.2 is not more troubling. If prolapsed level 3, the patient very uncomfortable when going to the toilet, walk more, heavy work. if prolapsed to level 4, patients often uncomfortable.
- Other symptoms: pain tufts hemorrhoids can not, or only see patients com com, King problems but can also really painful and often occur when:
- Embolism, stuffy sa hemorrhoids, anal cleft cracked
- Patients with a neck abscess comes, just below the lining or victims sitting in the pit - rectal ... painful. Patients with rectal mucus flow and is often accompanied by severe hemorrhoids sa, sometimes a symptom of other conditions such as inflammation rectum, rectal u ... Also, patients with itchy anus and perianal inflammation Skin by mucus.
In addition, those at high risk (frequently exposed to pathogens) must often pay attention to the symptoms of the disease appear to have measures to prevent and treat hemorrhoids promptly. Because hemorrhoids heavier, longer duration of treatment, complications, treatment and recurrent complex.
To avoid getting the disease "hard to say" this, you should drink a glass of water in the morning, the daily habit of regular bowel movements at a certain hour, moderate exercise, adequate, relax the abdominal muscles (yoga) or file for stronger abdominal muscles: exercise to slim the tummy, walking, swimming. Eating, eat enough fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water; should reduce the use of hot spicy as alcohol, coffee, foods cause constipation.
With the symptoms you have described is not confirmed definitely have hemorrhoids or not (external hemorrhoids, there are other diseases also cause anal itching, hard bowel movements). However, can think of anal cleft cracked case. To remedy this situation, you should soak the anus with warm salt water for 10 minutes once a day (preferably after a bowel movement), after going to the toilet should be cleaned using water, avoid using soap or toilet paper Birth.
You should be specific search anorectal specialist for accurate diagnosis. If determine hemorrhoids then there are many different treatments depending on the severity of the disease, the medical therapy, surgery or traditional medicine, medicinal ... Wish you quickly from sick!


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