Structure of the human body, everyone has tufts hemorrhoids. Just a subjective factors and objective effects, physiological tufts hemorrhoids can become hemorrhoids. In humans, anorectal where the arterial blood vessels, veins as a dense distribution network. For ease of visualization, we associate with "anal cushion" in the anal canal as:
+ Prevent the leak feces (coughing, straining, puffy cushions, sealing the anal canal)
+ Forming sense entity (feeling hard stool soft, liquid, fluid, steam ...)
+ Blood supply to the anal canal
Joints anal anal cushions Components include a lot of blood vessels, smooth muscle and connective tissue. The blood vessels in the end this is the branch of an artery, a vein. As the ends of the branches, located in the lower back of the body, blood pressure is very high here.
Normally the seat cushions have a little bulge, called the bun hemorrhoids. The fallout (or tufts this hemorrhoids) is present in normal people. Therefore, just the appearance of adverse factors, the bun hemorrhoids physiological effects of this will become a "bundle of hemorrhoids disease" _ also known as hemorrhoids.
Thus, everyone has hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids can be "born hemorrhoids" or recurrence of hemorrhoids anytime. That is why hemorrhoids so popular, especially in the range from 27 years old onwards.
When hemorrhoids development cooperation
Hemorrhoids occur when development work risk factors, facilitating its development work. That is why usually 10 people, there are 9 people with hemorrhoids during a certain stage in life - "Nine's cross hemorrhoids.
The risk factors of hemorrhoids:
Posture: When researching venous pressure hemorrhoids, one notes hemorrhoids venous pressure was 25 cm HO resting posture, soared to 75 cm H2O in an upright position. Thus, the incidence of hemorrhoids in the long-standing, sitting much less travel as office workers, people or use a computer, salespeople, tailors, ...
Constipation: This is one of the main reasons causing hemorrhoids. According to the study, each straining when going to the toilet a lot, the pressure inside the anal canal may be increased 10-fold. The increase in intra-abdominal pressure may still appear tufts hemorrhoids. The tufts gradually enlarged hemorrhoids and when to fertilize too will lay out ngoai.Tao may occur frequently or infrequently, however, the patient should not be subjective.
Pregnancy and childbirth: Due to the impact of pregnancy on the digestive system, the concentration of progesterone in women increases, reducing smooth muscle tone resulting in a transit time of food through the intestines stretching makes women vulnerable constipation. Maternal uterine tamponade increase the size of the abdominal organs, especially when laboring, pressure pots are great hips. Two factors led to 90% of pregnant women with constipation and hemorrhoids, if no positive measures immediately after birth cure, hemorrhoids will cling and more difficult to treat.
Dysentery syndrome: Patients with bowel dysentery every day several times and each time straining to defecate more increases in intra-abdominal pressure.
Cancer anorectal and surrounding areas: As rectal cancer, pelvic tumors, many months pregnant ... as to be able to compression and obstruction of venous reflux way to make the plexus hemorrhoids swell to form hemorrhoids. In these cases, hemorrhoids are created by specific causes, apparently so called hemorrhoids symptoms, treatment must treat the cause rather than treated as hemorrhoids. By body composition folks have hemorrhoids, thus preventing hemorrhoids development work is something that everyone should be interested to learn and apply.