
Why are hemorrhoids - the reason that you did not know

Many people with the disease without knowing why hemorrhoids. Many people speculate and say, hemorrhoids with a history of genetic or spreading the public, clothing or transmitted using common items ... Today, to clarify doubts and help people more specific information about the origin as well as the risk factors causing hemorrhoids, the doctor's clinic that China will Jiang specific answers with useful information below.

Why are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids have inherited or not?

Hemorrhoids are anorectal disease is very common nowadays, more than 50% of the population may be suffering from hemorrhoids at some stage in their lives if many mistakes in diet and daily activities. Hemorrhoids  absolutely no genetic nature or spread, which is often due to the following specific reasons:
- Much, pregnant women have a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids. Fetal bigger susceptible hemorrhoids. This is explained by the growing uterus compresses the lower abdomen causing the ligaments and the anal vein pressure, suffer to a certain extent, the anal veins will dilate, aneurysm loud and lead to hemorrhoids. Therefore, during pregnancy the doctors always advise you need to eat sensibly, of exercise and exercise science. Absolutely not been inactive.
- In case of illnesses related to the gastrointestinal tract, such as prolonged diarrhea, constipation long day, dysentery, defecation difficult ... but not soon overcome the risk of hemorrhoids visit is very high.
- People over the age of 50, due to the weakened veins, metabolism and ability to mobilize like never before, which is very susceptible to hemorrhoids object.
- If you work in an environment that often must sit or stand much longer, you can get hemorrhoids.
- A diet poor in fiber, water shortages are also factors leading to digestive diseases above and promote the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
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Sitting at a long position can lead to hemorrhoids
- Clean the toilet anal by hard paper, shoddy, strongly advised when the toilet is also a high risk of hemorrhoids.
Therefore, you should note that to avoid and minimize the risks that can lead to hemorrhoids.

Why are hemorrhoids? How to spot her with hemorrhoids

Detection of hemorrhoids is not a problem so complex, some signs that can help you identify the most accurate hemorrhoids.
- Having hemorrhoids, patients often feel itchy anus, observers could see in and around the anus red.
- Defecation difficult, apples and have a strong push
- Bleeding anal happening. The disease can be detected on toilet paper, on the unit or on the toilet bowel.
- Sa tufts hemorrhoids: both internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids appear sa bundle of hemorrhoids condition depends on the extent to which tufts hemorrhoids can lay different, it may protrude slightly when going to the toilet and be self-indented, heavy the bun hemorrhoids protrude and can not automatically be indented anus.
The early treatment of hemorrhoids is necessary, the patient will be of limited consequence, the trouble that causes hemorrhoids. At polyclinics Jiang China, the patient can fully assured to visit and treatment. The doctor will be based on specific conditions to select the appropriate treatment regimen for most patients.

Depending on the type of hemorrhoids and the extent of disease that doctors will assign the appropriate method


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