How to cure hemorrhoids in medicine. For those with natural herbs and close to us, will bring efficiency in the treatment of hemorrhoids. With a desire to bring about hemorrhoids, we send you read these methods you can refer to the most effective hemorrhoid treatment.

Hemorrhoids is a pathological findings related to venous plexus in the anorectal region. When the venous plexus in the anal stretch excessively large, poorly, causing the stagnant blood born hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are common in people with chronic colitis, chronic constipation, hard labor, sitting, standing long, tumors in the rectum, pregnancy, cirrhosis, ascites, infection anorectal region ...
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Hemorrhoids are classified into internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

- Internal hemorrhoids are divided into 4 levels:
  • Grade I: tufts hemorrhoids are located in the anal canal.
  • Grade II: every time you go out for a bun prolapsed and then to be self-contained in the anal canal.
  • Grade III: the bun prolapsed out to be manually pushed to new slipped into the anal canal.
  • IV: regular bun hemorrhoids protrude outside the anus.
When hemorrhoids internal hemorrhoids develop into a bun around the anus, it is called internal hemorrhoids within.

- External: Bui hemorrhoids lie outside the anal canal and the skin covered.

A patient can simultaneously treat hemorrhoids internal and external, as it is called mixed hemorrhoids.

Expression of hemorrhoids
Typically, the hemorrhoids have some expression as fresh as bowel bleeding, hemorrhoids tufts sticking out or burning pain, swelling, itching, dripping water in the anal area.

Currently, many countries are still treated with the medicine folk medicine or pharmaceutical drugs, and surgical procedures based on medical knowledge to be studied.

The treatment of hemorrhoids according to Western measures: As medicines (pills, put in place ...) or by instrument (such as fiber injection, combustion air, intravenous bags tied with rubber ring bag ...) or by surgery Art to cut the bun hemorrhoids (electrocautery, laser ...).

Traditional Medicine Vietnam also has many articles cure hemorrhoids: oral liquid, powder ... or unguent, powder to apply ... as PG60, dry cured B, C, tea hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids fat, flour soaked hemorrhoids ...

Each method, medicine, schools have their advantages and disadvantages, possibilities for different treatment.
+ Western medicine: The modern surgical methods can solve all levels of hemorrhoids, treatment time is short, but there are also disadvantages: the cut tufts hemorrhoids usually do not preserve the structure, normal physiology of the anus, can cause complications (urinary retention, bleeding, bowel lost control, causing deformation, narrow anus ...), often very painful surgery, treatment costs relative high, due to symptomatic treatment (treatment tip) should postoperative recurrent back ...

+ Oriental Medicine: Methods, prescription medicine, business for rich folk, however, for the treatment of severe hemorrhoids (internal hemorrhoids grade 3, grade 4, hemorrhoids ring, mixed hemorrhoids) are not many, treatment is often a long time. But the remedy medicine has the advantage of treating the causes of radicalism so high, no complications, less pain, lower treatment costs ... Typically all esoteric specialty drug treatment of hemorrhoids Hmong people are highly valued in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids treatment by all levels of hemorrhoids including internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.