Hemorrhoids are a common disease with symptoms such as bleeding, itching and anal sa. According to statistics abroad showed that adults over age 50 have hemorrhoids incidence is 50%. In Vietnam, but no large-scale statistics, but according to many years of practical experience of the renowned physician position, the proportion of people suffering from hemorrhoids is very large and almost all his life, who also a time hemorrhoids. "Ten people Chouchi", ten people, nine people have hemorrhoids, words of a famous professor of medicine may not be wrong.
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Object often hemorrhoids?

Actually so far no studies showing that any object or hemorrhoids. If the families of hemorrhoids, the other members being or not? No exact answer, but there are some very important factors that many researchers around the world and in Vietnam have concluded that the cause of hemorrhoids:

- People have to stand a lot, sitting long, sedentary as salespeople, tailors, secretary ...

- Those patients with chronic constipation, straining to have bowel movements more increases pressure inside the anal canal causing the hemorrhoids to gradually bun and laid out.

- Patients with dysentery: Due to toilet several times a day to increase intra-abdominal pressure and increases the volume of the bun hemorrhoids.

- Also hemorrhoids also appears in patients with other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, increased intra-abdominal pressure, tumors anorectal region and the surrounding area ...

Hemorrhoids that the quality of life of severely affected patients. Bowel bleeding, hemorrhoids tufts clogged causing pain, bowel problems ... they were tortured and made ​​to patients throughout the day in a mental state is very uncomfortable.

Moreover, patients with hemorrhoids often diagnosed and treated very late because this is a disease of the genital area, always need to be covered so patients often afraid to seek medical care, especially for women women.

Hemorrhoids There are many different treatments and possible medical treatment or Western medicine. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.
According to Western medicine, not to mention the first medical methods with multiple drug use and types, from pills to increase capillary strength, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, analgesic for acute pain, to form pharmacy is stuffed anal and topical categories Pomade ... This is the first-line treatment, the source of all other treatments. However, treatment with medical methods only apply to small tufts hemorrhoids, not much bleeding, acute phase is causing pain, inflammation. Want thorough treatment of hemorrhoids, should intervene in a bun hemorrhoids by the injection procedure fiber with fiber drugs, cold gas, rubber band ligation, bipolar electrocautery, infrared photocoagulation or surgical resection bun constriction of the veins and hemorrhoids hemorrhoids surgically Longo Longo and improve the results were positive as the short length of hospital stay, postoperative pain more.
To accurately assess the severity of the disease, the patient should be examined in a specialist and anorectal inspired to assess accurately calibrate. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of hemorrhoids.
With one degree hemorrhoids, patients can be treated with medical methods simply using oral drugs, pharmaceutical or Pomade is topical and not need hospitalization. With level 2 and level 3 hemorrhoids which are small tufts hemorrhoids, you can use these tips as fiber or fuel injection infrared ... Surgery for patients with hemorrhoids hemorrhoids tufts of 3 large, high pheasants 4, thrombosis hemorrhoids cause acute obstruction rules, hemorrhoids mixed with large external hemorrhoids cause bleeding and pain to many.
Basically, the treatment of hemorrhoids according to Western medicine has the advantage of being able to treat all types and extent of the application of hemorrhoids surgery hemorrhoids. However, the surgical removal of hemorrhoids is only symptomatic treatment or treatment tip, yet treatable cause of the disease should be very high recurrence rate after surgery. In addition, some common complications of hemorrhoids surgery is narrow anus, bowel lose control, infection ...

According to Oriental medicine, the treatment of hemorrhoids in medicine has been used for thousands of years and today is still the preferred method. Traditional Medicine Vietnam also has many articles cure hemorrhoids: oral liquid, powder ... or unguent, powder to apply ... as PG60, dry cured B, C, tea hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids fat, flour soaked hemorrhoids ... But for the treatment of severe hemorrhoids (internal hemorrhoids grade 3, grade 4, hemorrhoids ring, mixed hemorrhoids) is not much, the treatment time is longer.
Treating hemorrhoids in medicine has the advantage of treating the root cause of the disease, treatment should be radical radical long-term effects, no complications, less pain, lower treatment costs ... One the male smoker experts appreciate the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids cure hemorrhoids is all Hmong by the level of treatment of hemorrhoids including internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.