
SELF-TREATMENT AND DRUG therapy Acupressure Pakistan

There are many methods that can be treated effectively. For each illness, is always seek treatment without leaving nothing serious consequences to health, and no one wants to have the surgery done in my life. For hemorrhoids, too? if people want to find a cure for hemorrhoids that effective health body with body damage, you can refer to a cure for hemorrhoids by acupressure and medicine men below then, just effective treatment that to do no harm to the health of patients. Along learn offline!

TỰ CHỮA BỆNH TRĨ BẰNG BẤM HUYỆT VÀ THUỐC NAM Self-healing hemorrhoids by acupressure and traditional medicine

How to cure hemorrhoids reflexology

According to Oriental medicine, diseases related to stagnant air condition, blood stasis in the intestines and stomach. Western medicine also concluded, status engorged veins in the anus system causing hemorrhoids. The impact on a number of pressing pressure points such as Social, psychological sufficiency, surplus paint can reduce hemorrhoids. Excess paint is grave lack of sufficient positive experience bladder, located in the calf, in the hollows of 2 twin muscles, while co calf muscles will clearly twin slot. Additional three of the grave economic sufficiency of proving positive position, located near the knee, the knee apart horizontal ridges of a hand. Bach was the grave of Directors circuit, located in the center of the top, is the intersection of the straight line between the top two middle ear to the main road.

Cure Hemorrhoids in conjunction with traditional medicine

In addition to acupressure, patients should combine medication. May refer to the following remedies:

- Guava cooked to medium, peel a few days eating fruit. If you like to eat guava shell may cause constipation, but if you peel it turned out as a laxative.

- Common Purslane fresh (or natural justice leaf, tobacco burns) washed, pound, up to the anus, where the swollen hemorrhoids protrude.

- Chua me land, each one a handful of vegetables sam, locust 1 crushed fruit, cooking water for washing, day 1-2 times.

- Code 3-5 seed money to live, for vinegar in an earthen vessel code used money sharpening applied on the affected water, 1-3 times day. When applied to feel pain, but the pain will not cool anymore.

- Use attic seeds with vinegar, applied to hemorrhoids, day 3-5 times.

- A large snails, washed, drop into the water for a few days in culture, the building waiting to open his mouth, take 1 less for ice screws into the mouth, then drop screws into the pot clean, green when saliva flow is are. Get absorbent cotton nut applied to hemorrhoids, 2-3 times a day.

- Bear bile or you can also use 1 g, diluted in 30 ml of warm water until the honey dissolves, stirring. Use a cotton swab to apply honey hemorrhoids, 2-3 times a day.

- Fruits sung (or fresh figs) 10 fruits, water color wash hemorrhoids, 2-3 times a day.

For some men on this medicine may be very familiar to everyone, so do not use medications that you can refer to erase hemorrhoids effectively.


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