
Hemorrhoids and the common symptoms

Hemorrhoids are common diseases in the community. We detected hemorrhoids common symptoms of it. There are three basic types of symptoms that is classified as follows:

Hemorrhoids and common symptoms and 300x219 Hemorrhoids common symptoms

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Most patients do not have anything unusual expression, as though bleeding when regular but very small amounts. A small number of patients with symptoms of anemia. Occasional patients with severe anemia, hematocrit less than 10%. However, the detection of symptoms of severe anemia, people usually pay attention to the other hematologic disease or gastrointestinal bleeding in patients.

B.TRIEU functional impairment

There are two main symptoms of a sick patient is bleeding and hemorrhoids sa.

1. Bleeding: This symptom early and often. At first, the blood flows very discreet, incidentally, patients discovered when looking at the toilet paper after a bowel movement or look at the division saw a few small blood trail stick solid bar stool. Later, when going to the toilet, many patients have to push so constipated, or drops of blood into the beam. Later again, every bowel movement, walking more or squatting, the blood flowing again. There are many causes bleeding when patients admitted to the emergency. Sometimes, the blood from flowing out tufts hemorrhoids clot inside the rectum. Then. The patient goes for a lot of new blood clots.

2. Sa hemorrhoids: this is also a common symptom. Depending on the degree of prolapsed, but patients with different clinical manifestations. If prolapsed 1.2 is not more troubling. If prolapsed level 3, the patient very uncomfortable when going to the toilet, walk more, heavy work. if prolapsed to level 4, patients often uncomfortable.

3. Other symptoms: Bui hemorrhoids can be completely painless, and only see patients com com, King problems but can also really painful and often occur when:

- Embolism: The small clot hemorrhoids occur inside the bun. When occlusion, the patient could not sit up straight in a chair, but just put a butt on the couch.

- Sa hemorrhoids congestion: This phenomenon will make the bun hemorrhoids edema, swelling loud sometimes, can not be pushed very painful for the patient.

- Interstitial anal fissure: This lesion was painful (especially when going to the toilet), patients do not dare to go for.

- Patients with a neck abscess comes, just below the lining or sit in the hole - the rectum ... and painful. Patients with rectal mucous discharge. This may be due to mucus secretion of the anal canal mucosa, usually occurs when patients with severe hemorrhoids sa, sometimes a symptom of other conditions such as inflammation rectum, rectal u ... In addition, patients with itchy anus and perianal dermatitis due by the mucus. Symptoms may also occur due to skin disease or consequences of prescription topical treatment.


On examination, the patient, the physician can see the bun hemorrhoids lie outside the anus, the skin around the anus swell place stress ball, you can see the blue veins of the well. Physicians can see tufts prolapsed strong push into the patient. If the 4-stroke prolapsed anus around 1 within the mucosa of many tufts hemorrhoids, to small irregular tufts between the shallow depth of hemorrhoids is different compartments. They also pay attention to the signs, such as perianal dermatitis due to the use of topical or pharmacist is reactive spot stimulation. The perianal secretions (mucus or pus) that can cause other conditions such as Crohn's, colitis, gonorrhea, syphilis ... The perianal skin abnormalities such as eczema, leukemia ... In rectal prolapse patients, patients can mucosal prolapse outside the circle. When palpation at the bun hemorrhoids, physicians find software, publications and deflated when touched with the feeling of occlusion small hard lumps like nuts plate, pressing very painful.

In addition, to detect hemorrhoids, physicians also apply methods and inspiration visit anus, rectum.


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