
External hemorrhoids occur when these signs appear tufts hemorrhoids are swollen, dark, hardened by the venous plexus stretching, folding created. External hemorrhoids may not dangerous to life, but depending on the severity of benhmagay annoyed, upset the lives of patients. The external hemorrhoids treatment if the patient is not difficult to detect early symptoms, no cure and accurate method suitable. Cure external hemorrhoids by reducing, eliminating the pathogenic cause

External hemorrhoids occur when these signs appear tufts hemorrhoids are swollen, dark, hardened by the venous plexus stretching, folding created. External hemorrhoids may not dangerous to life, but depending on the severity of benhmagay annoyed, upset the lives of patients. The external hemorrhoids treatment if the patient is not difficult to detect early symptoms, no cure and accurate method suitable.  Cure external hemorrhoids by reducing, eliminating the pathogenic cause
Change in eating habits: Drink plenty of water during the day, eat more foods rich in fiber in fruits and vegetables, avoid eating spicy food, hot peppers, curry, pepper, do not drink the water contain stimulants such as coffee, wine, beer, tea, ...
Changes in living habits: exercise daily, motor sports, gently, avoid sitting or standing too long a place to squat. Do not flex or lifting heavy objects will do stretching of blood vessels in tufts hemorrhoids.
Avoid sitting, standing too long a place
Hygiene in place: wash the anus after defecation, to avoid scratches as limited use of toilet paper will cause rubbing the anus. Patients should be soaked in warm water mixed with regular salt will reduce the pain, avoid inflammatory and antiseptic.
If chronic diseases such as bronchitis, colitis, constipation, dysentery, ... should be treated immediately to eliminate the initial cause to cure the extraterritorial quickly, easily.
External hemorrhoids cure using drugs (medical methods)
Depending on the severity of many diseases such as bleeding, inflammation or irritation of hemorrhoids can tufts tablets or topical medications to treat external hemorrhoids:
The oral drug to treat external hemorrhoids with tablets or capsules. We work penetrate inside, the impact on the veins, making them harden, avoid co that.Ngoai also effective to reduce pain and swelling, edema, in the case of bleeding hemorrhoids tufts will hold be blood, prevent infection.
Using topical medications such as suppositories or lubricants used on the hemorrhoids hemorrhoids hurt, can work to reduce pain, itching, antiseptic, preventing infection. However, they only alleviate the symptoms but external hemorrhoids still not healed.
Only topical medication to alleviate the symptoms of external hemorrhoids
However, it should go to a doctor or treatment center for the treatment guidelines for chronic disease or associated symptoms such as constipation, intestinal, antibiotics, analgesics.
External hemorrhoids cure hemorrhoids by removing (surgical method)
How to cure external hemorrhoids surgical method is only applicable when the hemorrhoids were in the final stages, hemorrhoids have an ulcer, acute infection and risk for sepsis patients trong.Phau deep cut arts hemorrhoids can be removed each bun hemorrhoids, keep the muscle layers within the wound and stitched closed or left open. Yes when the external hemorrhoids are left, will gradually shrink or disappear after pill.
However, surgical resection if not careful this will be fatal for the patient. So doctors are always options for patients taking medicines are the best external hemorrhoids.
The drug should be selecting the best cure hemorrhoids
Based on the study of modern medicine combined with active treatment derived from medicinal herbs, the professor, Dr. companies Pharmacy - Hanoi University of Pharmacy has found the optimal formula can support support points cure hemorrhoids include: external hemorrhoid, internal hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids mixture.


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