Nutrition and diet
A diet and activities beneficial to health is the best way to prevent
hemorrhoids, whether you're sick or trying to prevent them. You can prevent constipation, hemorrhoids prevention by adopting a diet high in fiber. The meals and snacks should include most vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains, less processed foods and meats as well.
You can also supplement your diet digestive stimulants, or dietary fiber supplement. (Note: Avoid laxatives, medicines can cause diarrhea and may further stimulate the swollen veins).
Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day, if you have a lot of
exercise or if you live in a tropical climate area, you will need to
drink more water.
Talk to your doctor about the amount of water you need absorbed if
you're experiencing any health problems or are taking medications.
Adjust the amount of salt in the body. Excess salt in the diet can hold water, causing swelling in all the veins, including swollen veins hemorrhoids.

Exercising regularly is also very important, especially if your job does not need a lot of exercise.
Exercise helps prevent disease in several ways: stable body weight,
reduces the likelihood of constipation, and increase muscle tone.
Exercise daily. Try to exercise at a moderate level at least 2 ½ hours per week. Or set at high intensity for at least 75 minutes each week. You can also set for 10 minutes or more during the weekdays.
Avoid sitting or standing too long
Try not to sit too long in one position, if the nature of the request
so, after an hour, you should stand up and move around at least five
minutes. Sitting on a soft cushion can help you sit more comfortably and reduce pressure and pain of hemorrhoids.
Frequent short walk.
If possible, avoid lifting heavy objects often. If your job to carry heavy loads, always breathing while working, do not hold your breath.
If you are pregnant, lying in bed will reduce the pressure on the pelvic veins. This can prevent hemorrhoids become larger tufts.
Formed bowel habits properly
Episode daily defecation, the right way. When bowel habit forming on time, properly can help prevent constipation, hemorrhoids prevention.
- Bowels as soon as you demand.
- Avoid stress during bowel movements. You should relax and let things go naturally.
- Avoid breathless.
- Avoid reading books while sitting on the toilet.
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