

Structure of the human body, everyone has tufts hemorrhoids. Just a subjective factors and objective effects, physiological tufts hemorrhoids can become hemorrhoids. In humans, anorectal where the arterial blood vessels, veins as a dense distribution network. For ease of visualization, we associate with "anal cushion" in the anal canal as:


+ Prevent the leak feces (coughing, straining, puffy cushions, sealing the anal canal)

+ Forming sense entity (feeling hard stool soft, liquid, fluid, steam ...)

+ Blood supply to the anal canal

Joints anal anal cushions Components include a lot of blood vessels, smooth muscle and connective tissue. The blood vessels in the end this is the branch of an artery, a vein. As the ends of the branches, located in the lower back of the body, blood pressure is very high here.

Normally the seat cushions have a little bulge, called the bun hemorrhoids. The fallout (or tufts this hemorrhoids) is present in normal people. Therefore, just the appearance of adverse factors, the bun hemorrhoids physiological effects of this will become a "bundle of hemorrhoids disease" _ also known as hemorrhoids.

Thus, everyone has hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids can be "born hemorrhoids" or recurrence of hemorrhoids anytime. That is why hemorrhoids so popular, especially in the range from 27 years old onwards.

When hemorrhoids development cooperation

Hemorrhoids occur when development work risk factors, facilitating its development work. That is why usually 10 people, there are 9 people with hemorrhoids during a certain stage in life - "Nine's cross hemorrhoids.

The risk factors of hemorrhoids:

Posture: When researching venous pressure hemorrhoids, one notes hemorrhoids venous pressure was 25 cm HO resting posture, soared to 75 cm H2O in an upright position. Thus, the incidence of hemorrhoids in the long-standing, sitting much less travel as office workers, people or use a computer, salespeople, tailors, ...

Constipation: This is one of the main reasons causing hemorrhoids. According to the study, each straining when going to the toilet a lot, the pressure inside the anal canal may be increased 10-fold. The increase in intra-abdominal pressure may still appear tufts hemorrhoids. The tufts gradually enlarged hemorrhoids and when to fertilize too will lay out ngoai.Tao may occur frequently or infrequently, however, the patient should not be subjective.

Pregnancy and childbirth: Due to the impact of pregnancy on the digestive system, the concentration of progesterone in women increases, reducing smooth muscle tone resulting in a transit time of food through the intestines stretching makes women vulnerable constipation. Maternal uterine tamponade increase the size of the abdominal organs, especially when laboring, pressure pots are great hips. Two factors led to 90% of pregnant women with constipation and hemorrhoids, if no positive measures immediately after birth cure, hemorrhoids will cling and more difficult to treat.

Dysentery syndrome: Patients with bowel dysentery every day several times and each time straining to defecate more increases in intra-abdominal pressure.

Cancer anorectal and surrounding areas: As rectal cancer, pelvic tumors, many months pregnant ... as to be able to compression and obstruction of venous reflux way to make the plexus hemorrhoids swell to form hemorrhoids. In these cases, hemorrhoids are created by specific causes, apparently so called hemorrhoids symptoms, treatment must treat the cause rather than treated as hemorrhoids. By body composition folks have hemorrhoids, thus preventing hemorrhoids development work is something that everyone should be interested to learn and apply.
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Hemorrhoids prevention is the best way

Ever so that prevention is always important and effective than the disease before treatment. So you can perform the following some tips for you to form a good habit of life, help you prevent and treat hemorrhoids effectively. The following tips will help patients prevent the favorable factors arising hemorrhoids:

1. The habit of regular daily bowel movement

Should form the habit of waking up every morning on time defecation, this is a great effect in the prevention of hemorrhoids. Not so fast as to cause bowel constipation. The habit of sitting in the toilet too long, reading the paper in the toilet or using excessive force ... are not good habit, should change.

Hemorrhoids prevention is the best way

2. Adjust eating habits

Avoid stimulants such as coffee, wine, beer, tea.

Avoid spicy foods, spicy as chili, pepper.

+ Drink sufficient water.

+ Eat more fiber: vegetables, fruits, whole grains (especially boiled sweet potatoes are good for hemorrhoids).

3. Exercise

Should exercise and play sports such as swimming lightly, walk ...

4. Mobilize the gourd

Women after childbirth can cause abdominal pressure increases, especially when the final stages of labor, abdominal vein pinched huge bear of the uterus, directly affect the blood circulation. Furthermore, pregnancy pretty small operation, will make gastric intestinal function weaken, causing constipation ... thereby also lead to hemorrhoids. So, while the gourd, pregnant women should increase physical activity appropriate, avoid sitting or standing too long, and attention to keep bowel smoothly. Every day after defecation done using warm water and hygiene to increase blood circulation.

5. hygiene anus

Anus, rectum ... is where many bacteria, easy-induced skin inflammation fat glands, sweat glands around the anus, which was born from pimples, edema. Women's vagina near the anus, vaginal secretions pretty much, can stimulate the anal skin, causing hemorrhoids. So, should always keep this area clean and replace regular underwear, so will work to prevent hemorrhoids.
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To prevent hemorrhoids, especially when tufts hemorrhoids prolapse when going outside, there are many different methods, but there is an inexpensive but still effective positive just perseverance and patience are: transport anal action. This method is particularly suitable for those working sedentary, sedentary, often have long standing and sitting for long periods. There are many different ways file, as follows:

 1. sphincter spasm

Sitting on a chair, relax the whole body, concentrating on the anal area, proceed slowly pounding co urethral and rectal sphincter doing anal furrowed then relax. Continue to 50-100 times, 2-3 times per day.


2. Breathe loose

Lie on your back on the bed, the whole body relaxed, hands superimposed belly rubs according clockwise combined with deep abdominal breathing, when breathing in the bulging belly, belly breathing pounding out again. Makes 10-20 times, 2-3 times per day.

3.Ham urine while urinating

When you urinate, urine interrupt conducted by tightening the anus and then urinate on, then disconnect, do so many times until it went out of urine. 2-3 times per day.

4. Exercise in bed

Lie on your back on the bed, full body relax, breathe slowly, evenly and deeply. Then take the first and second heel for support high lift butt up and squeezes the anus, buttocks and then slowly drop down, relax the anal muscle, do 20 times, every day perform this operation on the evening before going to bed and waking up the morning

5. Clamp thigh contraction anal pounding

Lie on your back in bed, relaxing full body relax for a few minutes. Next, legs crossed, use force grip butt and thighs, slowly pounding anal, hold for 5 seconds or longer. Do 20 times, 2-3 times per day.

6. Lie on your back leg, anal pounding

Lie on your back in bed, co knees, heels close to the buttocks, feet and shoulders do get fulcrum, high lift the pelvis, while co anal pounding, hold for 5 seconds, went back and forth 10 respectively, 2-3 times per day.

7. Sit anal pounding

Sitting on a chair or bed, feet crossed, his hands behind his back and slowly stood up, and co anal pounding, so hold for 5 seconds then relax, do continuously 15 times per day performed 2-3 times.

8. Soak and co anal pounding

Soak anal in a pot of warm water and then slowly shrink anal pounding repeatedly several times, combined with the use of acupuncture middle finger strength lies beneath the tip of the sacrum penguin close to the anus. To achieve high efficiency and fast, should choose to file suit pathological characteristics and personal conditions, can incorporate many different ways the same file in a day. Still need to repeat the result to prevent hemorrhoids by the way this episode is only possible when we conducted on a regular basis, patience and true methods.
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Hemorrhoids are very common disease, annoying, annoying for people with and very dangerous if not treated promptly. Patients met mainly in adults, men suffer more than women. Hemorrhoids are very common, young people can also suffer but common in older people. Stats overseas shows, about 55% of the population age 50 to hemorrhoids (both male and female).


In Vietnam, but no large-scale statistics, but according to the doctors, the percentage of patients are very large. Almost throughout his life, everyone has a duration of hemorrhoids. Folk have the "Decade's permanent hemorrhoids", ten people, nine people have hemorrhoids, to talk about the prevalence of the disease. There are many methods of treating hemorrhoids, but above all to adjust the diet and reasonable living.

The cause of hemorrhoids

Is due to diet unreasonable, lack of fiber (constipation), sedentary, living intemperate, drug abuse (laxatives, analgesics, diuretics ...) or intestinal diseases. In fact, hemorrhoids are varicose veins due to excessive organization in the rectum, anal tuft led to the formation of hemorrhoids. If ill, trouble in secretion, muscle fibers will sagging, flabby plus increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, tufts hemorrhoids to swell up, do the hanging strips completely broken, tufts hemorrhoids will fall out outside.

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids is bleeding, hemorrhoids sa bun, painful anal bowel ... These symptoms cause the patient discomfort, very irritable, do not concentrate on work and did not even dare to eat a lot of support to the toilet. Therefore, the treatment of patients suffering from incipient or prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids after cutting is necessary.

With the symptoms as described, likely you have suffered hemorrhoids. You need to go to hospital for specialist advice and timely treatment. Additionally, you should note diet, reasonable living ...

Avoid stimulants such as coffee, wine, tea.

Avoid spicy foods such as chili, pepper.

The use of nutrient-rich foods, use more vegetables and fiber as eating citrus fruits - eat the zone; shrimp meat (fiber). Some vegetables have laxative properties as well as sweet potatoes, vegetables, spinach, vegetables, jute, spinach soup should eat often very good for hemorrhoids. Banana fruit is also worth a good laxative, after each meal should use a banana or watermelon eating less. The tubers also has a good laxative, eat more at the snack. Do hemorrhoids cause chronic blood loss should the patient susceptible to anemia, so use some vegetables contain iron as: celery, black fungus (mushrooms black), sesame ...

Combined with eating, people with hemorrhoids should drink more water. In addition to diligent advocacy, do not sit long periods of time, especially office workers, tailors, who sit a lot with computers ..., daily exercise should be gentle ...
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External hemorrhoids are caused by external beam varicose veins, folded created. It is located below the comb, visible, and can not put in the anus, usually no bleeding. Morphology of it has some sort of follows:


external hemorrhoids

1. The external hemorrhoid vascular obstruction:

Is due to clogged veins on hemorrhoids cause bleeding or rupture, blood vessels filled with blood clot, in the lower part of the door skin anal hemorrhoids clots forming small oval, feels the pain away.

2. The external hemorrhoid veins bulge by folding:

Is due to subcutaneous veins folded, at the edge of the door anal tumor formation edging round, oval, or long form. If there is edema, the state will be greater, hemorrhoids bundle including obstruction of blood and held the empire.

3. The external hemorrhoid inflammation by:

Is due to the folds in the door anus become inflamed, causing edema. Often the door anal hurt, because bacterial infection.

4. The external hemorrhoid organized by the Empire:

Do grooves in the outer door wrinkled anus swell, the soles of proliferative tissues, including blood vessels are very low, due to the long piece of skin, the skin so called external hemorrhoids. At the edge of the anus can see the piece of skin or within the application development laid down and protrude, pheasant crest ring can form flower, called external hemorrhoids excess skin types.

Hemorrhoids 5. Guards.

Hemorrhoids are varicose condition of the organization in the anus or in the exit of the rectum. We are one of the causes of rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids expression is not clear. Patients and physicians often do not claim to be the start of the disease. Early symptoms of the disease and the most common is bleeding hemorrhoids. Initially, the patient bled discreet, just saw a little blood in the stool or toilet paper. Over time, straining due to constipation, blood will flow into droplets, when squatting or go back and see a lot of blood. The sick feeling problems, pain in the anus, pain caused by hemorrhoids embolism in a bun with small clots.

Nutrition for hemorrhoids

The disease must be the treatment of hemorrhoids: living adjustments, should limit the hard work, strong movements to avoid making the pressure in the abdominal cavity increased dramatically, avoid long sitting, standing more. You also need to avoid collision anal area, to soft toilet paper, soaps use less acidic and keep the anal area clean, but avoid too much washing will cause injury collisions.

 Patients avoid beer, wine, food mucosa irritable stomach, intestines (such as chili, pepper, curry ...), avoid diarrhea. You should eat high-fiber foods such as oranges, tangerines help software, help constipation. The nutrient-rich foods, such as vegetables and sweet laxative, vegetables spinach, vegetable jute, spinach soup to eat often very good for hemorrhoids. In particular, patients should use fish with vegetables shadow heat effect, detoxifying, diuretic, is very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids and constipation. Banana fruit is also worth a good laxative, after each meal should use a banana. The tubers also has a good laxative, eat more at the snack.
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4 ways to cure hemorrhoids

Prevent factors can trigger an episode, medical treatment, surgical or surgical ... is the effective way to help treat hemorrhoids.

Trila disease pathology is common in the anal area, can occur in people of all ages. However, a common characteristic often makes patients not treated thoroughly as soon as mild hemorrhoids are less affected their lives and are often afraid to seek medical patients, especially women. It just goes examination and treatment of hemorrhoids when the disease affects more to life and productivity of their labor.

Gan mot nua dan so VN mac benh tri 3 Prevent factors can trigger an episode

In this way, patients will avoid avoid constipation, bowel habit of regular daily; adjust the diet as drinking enough water, eating more fiber; exercise, regular physical activity. In addition, patients should have modes of living and working right; on-site sanitation anal area with warm water immersion 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Nearly half compared VN disease tri 3

Medical treatment

Medication, also known as medical methods can treat internal hemorrhoids from level 3 or lower, external hemorrhoids. Western Medicine with pills, suppositories, topical, and Oriental medicine, medicine, medicine prepared according to the method ... For modern Western medicine, the first thing to mention is there are plenty of drugs application, and types of use, such as Daflon, Proctolog, Ginko Biloba, Brotilase, Zydcox, Plotex ... This is the circuit medication assistance, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edema body shape or spot, laxatives, antispasmodics ... drugs effectively ending discomfort, ache of patients, but not cure the cause of hemorrhoids. In addition, the drug has side effects, drug gross more risk adverse as multiply.

Thus, for hemorrhoids, traditional medicine is more effective. Because traditional medicine to explain the disease based on searching at the root, the root of the disease. The precious herbs in medicine is selected, weighed to make a drug, commonly known as the medicine. Today, with the development of the pharmaceutical industry, all the medicines, medicines are prepared, packed quite convenient. In fact, not only the health food is that Western medicine doctors also recommend that patients choose to use.

Including drug targets Safinar hemorrhoids treatment effective internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids. This is so effective drug treatment for the root.

Treatment with tips

Patients are injected fibers (hemostatic effect and limit the layout sa); ligation of hemorrhoids with rubber ring bun (bun hemorrhoids will be tied necrosis on day 3-4, the rubber ring is also longer to stop bleeding). Patients will be used as infrared infrared solidify mucosa; was burned by an electric knife or bipolar (at work); CO2 laser burn piles bun.

Surgical treatment

Only done when other treatments fail as hemorrhoids bleed more, but treatment is not better or sa hemorrhoids often.

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids tufts individual with or without plastic surgery or anal hemorrhoids conservation anal mucosa. All treatments whether or not interventions are effective only when combined with the appropriate preventive measures.

However, when these symptoms, you should see at the medical facility for proper treatments depending on the stage of the disease and perform exactly as directed by your doctor and follow-up schedule appointment.
Hemorrhoids and the common symptoms

Hemorrhoids are common diseases in the community. We detected hemorrhoids common symptoms of it. There are three basic types of symptoms that is classified as follows:

Hemorrhoids and common symptoms and 300x219 Hemorrhoids common symptoms


Most patients do not have anything unusual expression, as though bleeding when regular but very small amounts. A small number of patients with symptoms of anemia. Occasional patients with severe anemia, hematocrit less than 10%. However, the detection of symptoms of severe anemia, people usually pay attention to the other hematologic disease or gastrointestinal bleeding in patients.

B.TRIEU functional impairment

There are two main symptoms of a sick patient is bleeding and hemorrhoids sa.

1. Bleeding: This symptom early and often. At first, the blood flows very discreet, incidentally, patients discovered when looking at the toilet paper after a bowel movement or look at the division saw a few small blood trail stick solid bar stool. Later, when going to the toilet, many patients have to push so constipated, or drops of blood into the beam. Later again, every bowel movement, walking more or squatting, the blood flowing again. There are many causes bleeding when patients admitted to the emergency. Sometimes, the blood from flowing out tufts hemorrhoids clot inside the rectum. Then. The patient goes for a lot of new blood clots.

2. Sa hemorrhoids: this is also a common symptom. Depending on the degree of prolapsed, but patients with different clinical manifestations. If prolapsed 1.2 is not more troubling. If prolapsed level 3, the patient very uncomfortable when going to the toilet, walk more, heavy work. if prolapsed to level 4, patients often uncomfortable.

3. Other symptoms: Bui hemorrhoids can be completely painless, and only see patients com com, King problems but can also really painful and often occur when:

- Embolism: The small clot hemorrhoids occur inside the bun. When occlusion, the patient could not sit up straight in a chair, but just put a butt on the couch.

- Sa hemorrhoids congestion: This phenomenon will make the bun hemorrhoids edema, swelling loud sometimes, can not be pushed very painful for the patient.

- Interstitial anal fissure: This lesion was painful (especially when going to the toilet), patients do not dare to go for.

- Patients with a neck abscess comes, just below the lining or sit in the hole - the rectum ... and painful. Patients with rectal mucous discharge. This may be due to mucus secretion of the anal canal mucosa, usually occurs when patients with severe hemorrhoids sa, sometimes a symptom of other conditions such as inflammation rectum, rectal u ... In addition, patients with itchy anus and perianal dermatitis due by the mucus. Symptoms may also occur due to skin disease or consequences of prescription topical treatment.


On examination, the patient, the physician can see the bun hemorrhoids lie outside the anus, the skin around the anus swell place stress ball, you can see the blue veins of the well. Physicians can see tufts prolapsed strong push into the patient. If the 4-stroke prolapsed anus around 1 within the mucosa of many tufts hemorrhoids, to small irregular tufts between the shallow depth of hemorrhoids is different compartments. They also pay attention to the signs, such as perianal dermatitis due to the use of topical or pharmacist is reactive spot stimulation. The perianal secretions (mucus or pus) that can cause other conditions such as Crohn's, colitis, gonorrhea, syphilis ... The perianal skin abnormalities such as eczema, leukemia ... In rectal prolapse patients, patients can mucosal prolapse outside the circle. When palpation at the bun hemorrhoids, physicians find software, publications and deflated when touched with the feeling of occlusion small hard lumps like nuts plate, pressing very painful.

In addition, to detect hemorrhoids, physicians also apply methods and inspiration visit anus, rectum.
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