What are hemorrhoids? detect diseases like?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in or around the anus and rectum, creating pressure on the veins in the legs like. Increased pressure and swelling can be caused by stress in the gut, other risk factors include pregnancy, aging, chronic constipation and diarrhea. Hemorrhoids may include internal hemorrhoids , external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids.When hemorrhoids, patients have more problems anorectal as anal fissures, abscesses, or irritation and itching. Hemorrhoids usually are not dangerous and life-threatening, in most cases the symptoms of hemorrhoids are often lost in a few days, but by no means entirely from hemorrhoids that can recur at any time.
The most common manifestation of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood in stool sticky, on toilet paper, or in the toilet. However, internal hemorrhoids may protrude outside the anus outside the body, causing irritation or pain.
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard hemorrhoids tufts around the anus that results when a blood clot. This condition is called external hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids need to recognize early and treated promptly
What are hemorrhoids? difficult to treat?
Doctors of polyclinics Jiang said China, is an extremely important issue, it helps the patient to quickly eliminate the hassle of everyday life. There are many methods to cure hemorrhoids, to bring the best performance should be examined to determine the extent and type of hemorrhoids that you are suffering.With the new cases detected hemorrhoids patients, the symptoms are not caused any serious problems, only drug treatment, may be topical medications or creams, can also be medicines, injections, TV to shrink and shrink hemorrhoids tufts, reducing the symptoms of itching, discomfort.
In addition, patients should also clean the anus, anal soaked in warm water daily, can apply a cold compress to reduce inflammation if the anus.
With hemorrhoids grade 3 or 4 drug therapy is often ineffective, especially when there is bleeding from the anus or severe bun can not prolapsed rectal enema doctor is necessary to specify surgery.
There are many surgical removal of hemorrhoids such as fibrosis, freezing, burning charity, ligation of hemorrhoids with rubber ring bun ... the patient can hear consult your doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of each method and the choice of how to implement . However, technical PPH is currently cutting method offers pheasant Vietnam today. Not only cut hemorrhoids safe, painless, but minimally invasive to the hemorrhoids, gently remove the bun hemorrhoids, help patients recover quickly, leaving no scars.

Hemorrhoids treatment should be combined with a diet rich in fiber
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