There are many herbs to cure hemorrhoids. Today I would like to introduce to you four treatment plants hemorrhoids effectively.
- La Vong:
the dying leaves erythrin quality is toxic, substances may be useful in
reducing and sometimes completely lost CNS activity, but it does not
affect the movement and stimulation of muscle contractions . In this leaves containing saponins called migarin dilation. This leaves a bitter taste light, slightly tart, calculated as average sedation, sedation, hypothermia, hypotension.
Usage: The ill use fresh bamboo leaves with egg fried chicken, then use the retirement of older leaves, hot baked up into the anus.

- Castor bean:

- Flower disaster management:
Natural States of vitamins C, B1, B2 and minerals such as calcium needed, phosphorus, iron and especially zinc. Therefore,
it is very nutritious, effective medical treatments such as heat,
pinworm treatment, improve hemorrhoids and prostate hypertrophy. The leaves of the plant's natural flowers can treat hemorrhoids effectively.

How to use: Take 100 grams of leaves and 5 grams of salt. Leaves washed, retired with salt, add 30 ml of water and then filtered through muslin, cotton soaked in, up to the site of hemorrhoids (Was washed with potassium permanganate). Nay.Moi cotton loincloths to keep 1-2 days to do so.
- Tree leaf burn:
leaf burn bland, slightly sour, cool, non-toxic, effective target
inflammatory, analgesic, disinfection, helps wound healing ...

Use: 6g leaf burn, 6g sam vegetables. Wash chew live or excellent drink. If the pile and anal sores locust boiled water eluent and anal pounding the leaves up into a bun hemorrhoids life.
Cure internal hemorrhoids by burning leaves 50g l was washed thoroughly farewell drink water, drink or excellent. Or eat to live life every day leaves 40g also give good results.
are available in medicinal garden, people with hemorrhoids should learn
the natural remedies to cure effectively combined with diet and
abstinence to avoid recurrence.
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