
Hemorrhoids Treatment PEOPLE IN OFFICE

Democratic offices were routinely sit too long with a posture, sedentary, thereby leading to increased risk for digestive disease that typically hemorrhoids. In social activities do not stop today, especially in the context of information technology grows, more and more people tend to be lazy activity, especially among office workers.

 Other than those who do manual work, office work people relatively much with computers, machinery. Besides, they often sitting posture without making the necessary movements to relax the body. Because what the "lazy", the people who work in offices are at risk to hemorrhoids than those who work in other occupational groups. Democratic offices at risk of hemorrhoids characterized by high activity at work ...

As stated in the previous article, hemorrhoids is one of the chronic disease of society and very dangerous if not treated properly. You need to learn the expression hemorrhoids to recognize and treat as soon as possible.


The cause haemorrhoids there are many, but here are a few main reasons:

- Sitting or standing too long for too long with the same posture, inactivity leads to gastrointestinal motility disorders, increased venous pressure below the rectum. According to one study, people who work sitting or standing too long at risk of hemorrhoids up to 75%, while a regular activity will only risk for the disease is about 44%.

- In addition to sitting and standing too long, less active, the other major cause of hemorrhoids is the diet of patients unreasonable. Eating too much spicy food, hot and popular use of stimulants, alcohol will increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids. So you need to pay attention reasonable diet to prevent hemorrhoids. Need to eat more fiber and drink more special. Besides paying attention to avoid defecation too long in the bathroom.

The treatment of hemorrhoids in civil office

Here are some methods of effective hemorrhoids treatment that you can refer to:

- Eat more fiber foods, especially fruits, vegetables and whole grains and drink plenty of water every day. Please take this as a habit. This will soften stool and more easily excreted.

- Try these kinds of fiber supplements. However cabf to ensure drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day.

- Practicing positive. If you are an office worker, after about 1 hour to stand up and advocate, traveling around the workplace. If squat then every half hour stand up or change positions once. The campaign, playing sports like soccer, swimming after the working day in office will also help you to improve health, prevent disease better.

- Feel free to set their bowel habits every day by rubbing the belly ring under the framework of the colon in a certain time of day. Try to defecate when the urge to defecate. And sanitary warm water or after each bowel movement.

- Use some men folk remedies. Some folk remedy is very simple but highly effective as using natural flowers of hemorrhoids treatment, hemorrhoids cure by luscious, lettuce fish, fig leaf .... Some folk remedy hemorrhoids treatment effectiveness

 Population Office to moderate activity to prevent haemorrhoids

To avoid haemorrhoids by local office or face, you apply these simple measures in order not to suffer from hemorrhoids cause discomfort and inconvenience as well as greatly affected the lives and activities, your daily work offline!


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